redSHOP is the leading webshop solution for Joomla! Open Source with more than 750.000 downloads. Easily integrated to your existing website with full Joomla! Framework support.


redFORM is an advanced form system for Joomla! 3 that allows you to build any kind of questionnaire or submission fields you need. Quick to install and easy to setup for any occasion.


Advanced map integration. redHERE is an easy-to-use, simple and fast component used to display interactive maps on your website based on a specified address.


redCOMPONENT continues as an open source community e-commerce project on GitHub.

We have been developing successful e-commerce solutions based on Joomla! for more than a decade with a passion that has evolved to help our clients sell millions of products and reach their business goals.

Due to our onward focus on AesirX Open Source Digital Marketing Automation, we are discontinuing and sharing all repositories as Free Open Source (FOSS) projects on GitHub.

If you need hosted or managed redSHOP services or have commercial inquiries please contact R Digital.

For redCORE and redCOMPONENT

For consulting services & solutions

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